Our Team


Dr. Arpad Nemeth PhD
Dr. Arpad Nemeth PhD Dentist and Oral Surgeon

too Born in Year 1965. Grammar school, Secondary at Pécs, Hungary. Graduation at Medical School Pécs Hungary as general practioner in year 1989. From 1989 to 1998 clinical doctor and assistant professor in Oral Surgery Dept. at Dental School of Medical University of Pécs. Specialized in Dentistry in 1993 and in Maxillo-facial surgery in 1998. PhD in 2006. Since 1994 works as a private practioner.

Kriszbacherné Lelovics Ildikó
Kriszbacherné Lelovics IldikóAssistant

High School:
1986-1990 Professional School of Health Janus Pannonius Pécs.
2004-2007 PTE Health Department Professor, Budapest
2007-2009 SZTE Juhász Gyula Department of Health Education Classroom Teacher
Professional courses:
- 1991-92 Adult nurse
- 1992-93 professional theater assistant
- 1999-2001 Assistant special CONSUMER AFFAIRS
- 2001-2002 Clinical dental hygiene.

Vóna Istvánné
Vóna IstvánnéAssistant

Professional School:
- 1979 Medical School of Pécs Professional
- 1980 Child Nursing specialist
Vocational training:
- 1990 POTE Budapest Dental Clinic – Dental Assistant
High School:
- 1992 Pécs Gimmnázium Lővey Claire – maturity